Student extra-curricular activities, social media use, political party manifesto suggestions, bad roads and youth issues

More than academic excellence On August 18, Bhutan U15 girls’ team made us proud. The kind of interest and potential shown by the players showed that Bhutan could do more. National player Chencho Gyeltshen made stunning statements with his skills. Two Bhutanese breakers also took part in the Youth Olympic Games last year. Music, sports, and other co-curricular activities are a small part of the education system in Bhutan. Unlike Bhutan, classes in ballet, playing musical instruments, and sports are some of the basic lessons available in the education system of other countries. The education system in the country is criticized as one of the reasons for increasing unemployment in the county. While the teachers engage to improve the class’s performance for better academic results, attention to other co-curricular activities diminishes. Although academic performance play an important role in one’s […]

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Overseas jobs, teachers day celebration, media literacy and pedestrian safety

Migrant workers rehabilitation programme More than 2,000 overseas jobs were on offer last week at a job fair in Thimphu. Employers from countries, including Kuwait, India and Japan, had come to look for jobseekers in the country. This means that Bhutan is emerging as a supplier of labour force for countries in the Middle East, India, and other countries around the world. Accordingly, it has become important for the labour ministry to conduct awareness programmes about the welfare of the migrant workers for youths in the country. It is important for youths to have adequate knowledge about benefits and working conditions before they decide to go for foreign employment. Embassies in the employer country should also provide such awareness programmes upon their arrival in the employer country. The migrant workers should be informed about their welfare, services, and perks provided […]

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