Rehab centers, building rules, drainage systems, loan collateral valuation and traffic police criticism

We need more rehab homes We find that the cases of drug abuse and trafficking are showing no signs of abating. Every other day, the media reports of young people being sent behind bars for possession, consumption or sale of controlled narcotic and psychotropic substances. The Chukha dzongkhag court has so many such cases that some even call the court the highway court. Office of the Attorney General received 500 drug- related cases last year alone. This number is alarming, as more individuals could be involved in one case. Some of them could be repeat offenders. Imagine 500 people going to jail each year, and most of them being youth, what would happen to this land of happiness? Going at this rate, the future does not look so happy. Families are broken, more poor people drown into poverty. The impacts […]

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On poor drainage, changes to primary education, organic food production and nocturnal disturbance at Olakha

Poor drainage With the arrival of monsoon, drains, footpaths and roads are getting flooded. We have been dealing with the same problems for some time now – blockage of drains, leading to overflow of the drain and sewage water. Sadly, we forget about all these once the monsoon is over. If the drainage systems are not built well, the problem is likely to continue due to waste accumulation. Therefore, the people would appreciate if the municipality looked into this and made proper plans to prevent such issues, not only this summer but for the many summers to come. Karma Lhamo Changzamtog resident (Published on July 30, 2018) Primary education needs a major overhaul My son woke up quite early today to the harsh realization that he has to go back to school soon. “Why? Don’t you like school?” I asked […]

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JDWNRH’s parking again, mining safety, road and bridge quality and water shortage in Thimphu

JDWNRH’s parking story misinformed This is in response to “JDWNRH revamps its parking space” story published on May 31, 2018. The hospital’s Medical Superintendent reported that the people never used the parking space, especially at the rear side of the area. I don’t think this is true. What we can accept is, that the area never had lighting and there used to be piles of rubbish. Why? It is because the parking fee contractor felt it is hospital’s property and its duty to maintain the area while the hospital believes it’s the other way round. The unused space, which is still used as a smoking area, is vacant as ever and that portion can be converted into a planned facility. Proper planning and consultation is highly necessary and really demanded of in JDWNRH. The management has opened up one fourth […]

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On motorist awareness, sexual harassment, stray dog menace and ACC investigation of Loden Foundation

Speed breakers and awareness on zebra crossing needed in Kanglung This is to express my concern over the growing number of pedestrian and vehicles plying in Kanglung. There are paths along the road for the pedestrians. I am thankful to traffic police for monitoring the traffic especially during events like the chancellor’s cup. The problem is, some drivers are speeding in the absence of traffic police and many more do not adhere to the zebra crossing rules. This is a concern for pedestrians and is becoming extremely dangerous especially for the students. Places with zebra crossing such as Kanglung primary school, Kanglung Shedra, way to Dantak area but most drivers are reluctant to comply with the traffic rules. There are also cases where some students were nearly hit by car. Many people also have to use the main road to […]

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Parking space at JDWNRH, health worker grievance and RAA clarifies on statutory auditing

Lack of parking space at JDWNRH I on behalf of general public and as a concerned citizen, would like to draw your kind attention regarding the above subject. Our city lack parking space due to booming constructions and rapid growth of vehicle population. The government and relevant stakeholders are trying their best to de-congest the city roads by building multi-storey vehicle parks and mandatory basement car parking for private owned buildings. It is just opposite for JDWNRH management. Recently, the hospital administration awarded the contract to private firm to convert its underground parking lot with capacity to accommodate 120 cars to gym and fitness, recreation, restaurant, coffee stall and garment shop, which will be leased out . Yes, it will fetch good revenue comparing to fees collected from vehicles. But money is not everything. Public convenience needs to be given […]

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